Nevada Restaurant Services Data Breach Class Action Settlement

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Claim Form Deadline: September 17, 2024
Payout: Up to $10,000
Proof Required: Yes

What’s the Nevada Restaurant Services Settlement About?
The class action lawsuit, Sanguinetti, et al. v. Nevada Restaurant Services, Inc., addresses a data breach that occurred on or before January 16, 2021. The plaintiffs allege that unauthorized access to Nevada Restaurant Services’ (NRS) systems exposed sensitive personal information, including names, Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers, financial account details, and other personal data. For more information on data breaches and how to protect your personal information, refer to our related article.

What is the Total Settlement Amount?
The class action notice does not specify a total settlement amount. Instead, it details the benefits available to affected class members, such as reimbursement for expenses, compensation for lost time, and free credit monitoring services.

How Do I Qualify for a Payout?
You may be eligible if you received written notification from NRS (Nevada Restaurant Services) indicating that your personal or financial information was affected by the data breach that occurred on or before January 16, 2021.

How Much Can I Receive?
Settlement Class Members may receive:

  1. Up to $350 for documented out-of-pocket expenses
  2. Reimbursement for up to 4 hours of lost time at $35 per hour
  3. Up to $10,000 for extraordinary losses with proper documentation
  4. 36 months of credit monitoring and identity theft protection
  5. An alternative cash payment of $50, subject to a $150,000 total cap

How Do I File a Claim?
To file a claim, submit the claim form online by September 17, 2024, or mail it postmarked by the same date. The claim form can be downloaded from the settlement website or obtained by contacting the claims administrator.

Do I Need Proof?
Yes, proof may be required for certain claims:

  • For out-of-pocket expenses and extraordinary losses, provide supporting documentation.
  • For lost time reimbursement, submit a written description and attest under penalty of perjury that the time was spent addressing issues from the data incident.
  • Ensure you have a unique Class Member ID to file a claim.

Claim Form Website: Class Action Settlement Website

Please be aware that your claim form will be rejected if it contains fraudulent information. By submitting your information and your sworn statement of its accuracy, you are agreeing to do so under penalty of perjury. Submitting false information not only jeopardizes your claim but also affects others who are genuinely eligible for the settlement. If you are uncertain about your eligibility for this class action settlement, please visit the class action administrator’s website for more information. Note that participates in the Amazon affiliate advertising program, and this post may include affiliate links, which could result in us earning a commission if you make a purchase through those links.